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Monday, October 8, 2012

PAC Meeting Reminder, this Wednesday Oct 10th

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

School Library 6:30-8:00 pm (free child care available in the gym)


  1. Round table introductions (5 min)
  2. Amendments to agenda and adoption of Sept 12 minutes (5 min)
  3. PAC Exec Meeting summary, Joel (5 min)
  4. Update from our school VP, Lorraine Baker (10 min)
  5. Financial update and budget, Angela (10 min)
    1. Teacher wishlist and requests
    2. School ideas and requests
  6. Spending requests, Joel (5 min)
    1. $500 for general PAC administration for the year (DPAC membership fee, Childcare, etc.)
    2. Others?
  7. Committees
    1. General discussion on committee function, Yvette, Joel, Jocelyn & Angela (10 min)
    2. Garden (5 min)
    3. Fundraising (5 min)
    4. Movie Night (5 min)
    5. Others (5 min)
    6. Food and Health Committee, Jocelyn and Joel (10 min)
  8. Class liaisons, Joel (5 min)
  9. Confirm Next Nov PAC meeting (7th or 14th) Adjournment

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