Garibaldi PAC
November 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes
8 parents
Ms. Baker
It was moved and seconded (Brenda) to adopt the agenda with addition of Parent Room. (Passed)
It was moved and seconded (Joel) to adopt the minutes from Oct 2012. (Passed)
Financial Update:
PAC Account $853.12
Teacher allocations have been withdrawn
Gaming $2346.56
Joel moved that $400 be spent on Tennis Lessons. (Passed)
VP Update – Ms. Baker
Teachers appreciate the class funds
Unicef fundraiser $145 raised by home learners and over $400 aver all
Mother Goose just started 9:45 AM Wednesdays for ages 0-4 for six week.
May get funding for spring session
Kindergarten Registration is now open for students within catchment.
Upcoming events:
Giants tickets for community game event
Remembrance day assembly – Nov 8
Christmas Concert – Dec 20th – 1pm
Committee Updates
Fund Raising – Joel for Taz
sparkling soiree planning underway for event Dec. 1
looking for parents to donate time and talent items (eg. Lawn mowing) to the auction
tickets $20 each
Movie Committee
no one in attendance on committee
made $40 at first movie night
A discussion was had about adding PAC events box to the newsletter
PAC dates on fridge magnet as a fundraiser was also talked about as an idea
Garden Committee – Joel
looking to plant bulbs tomorrow Nov. 8
Outdoor Committee – Joel
held skating event at trout lake Oct 21
5-6 families attended
Looking to hold a parent/child soccer match when weather allows
X-county at Cypress in the winter
Food/Health Committee – Jocelyn
looking to have many ways to get involved.
Invitation to meet for discussion Nov. 16, 8-9 a.m.
A one hour round table designed to give everyone a chance to be heard.
One topic that may be discussed in food allergies in the school
Communications – Carole
Kate currently doing most of the blog maintenance
Working ok overall
Sustainability – Jocelyn/Brenda
a lot of enthusiasm at sign up but tapered off
discussion about composter in garden needing maintenance
VSB vs. city have different requirement
Our composer not meeting criteria for the VSB
Sustainability group could take on maintenance
Regular Business
Joel made a motion for PAC meetings to be held the second Wednesday of each month and movie night the 4th Wednesday of each month, as per the noted dates on a circulated list
discussion was held around ability to hold these meetings/events over spring break. It was determined that the Movie on the 27th March would be cancelled.
The motion was carried unanimously
Ms. Baker requested that Brenda and Jana meet her ahead of the food meeting on the 16th in order to frame the meeting
Ms. Baker noted that movie night can no longer be held in Library and will need to be in the gym or elsewhere
Ms. Baker brought up a discussion around “porous boundaries” in the school.
her aim is to create a parent space in the school as a place for parents to “hang out” and interact or to work in school initiatives
School will be accommodating a high needs child and when space no longer needed after child integrated into class room, an opportunity to take this over as a parent space will exist.
Parents asked questions to try to determine from Ms. Baker where the issues were boundaries and expressed their desire to keep the small feel of the school by being able to have a different level of interaction with their child/children than might be “normal” at larger schools
Brenda spoke about the desire of HL parents to have access to the school and the need of the school to have the HL group as part of their infrastructure
Attendees indicated that they have an interest in having a parent space
New Business
Brenda made a motion to fund up to $500 to purchase 2 signs/banners for the school:
a sign to indicate home learners are at Garibalidi (wording to be determined)
a sign to promote registration at Garibaldi kindergarden
passed unanimously
Ms. Baker reported on Teacher wish list:
fund a performance for children to attend
microphone/sound system for gym – discussion about DPAC possibly helping with this; Angela to look into it and report back
CD for exercising – (Dave Murphy)
Bus for year end beach day
Laminator – size to be determined based on cost
Smart board screens for library – may be costly therefore long term goal?
Brenda made a motion to adjourn the meeting – carried unanimously
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