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Monday, April 8, 2013

PAC Meeting Wednesday, April 10

Garibaldi Annex Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
School Library 6:30-8:00 pm (childcare available in the gym)

  1. Round table introductions (5 min)
  2. Amendments to agenda and adoption of March 2013 minutes (5 min)
  3. Update from our school VP, Lorraine Baker (15 min)
    1. School Growth Planning Day
  4. Ian Delong Spring Opera (5min)
  5. Committees
    1. Garden (5 min)
    2. Sustainability/Bike Swap (5 min)
    3. T-Shirts (5 min)
    4. Other committee updates (10 min)
  6. Financial update and budget, Angela (10 min)
    1. Budget requests
  7. New business (10 min)
  8. Confirm May PAC meeting and adjournment

If you would like to add an item to the agenda either email to
or come to the meeting and we will add it at the start of the meeting.

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