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Monday, October 7, 2013

PAC Meeting this Wednesday

Hello Garibaldi,
This Wednesday is the Garibaldi PAC AGM where we will have our annual nomination and elections for the executive. If you have the time and interest consider volunteering for an executive position. No experience is necessary and everyone is welcome. Hope to see you Wednesday night.

Garibaldi Annex Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
School Library 6:30-7:45 pm (free child care available in the gym)

  1. Welcome New Members, PAC Intro; Joel Ronne, PAC Co-Chair (10 min)
  2. Agenda Additions/ Adapt Sept 2013 Minutes and Annual Report (5 min)
  3. Update from our school VP; Lorraine Baker (10 min)
  4. PAC Executive Nominations and Election (30 min)
  5. Quick Committee Update; Julie Beer (5 min)
    1. Movie Night
    2. Garden
    3. Fundraising
    4. Sustainability
    5. Other
  6. Financial Update and Budget; Angela Wong-Moon (5 min)
    1. Spending requests (if any);
  7. Garibaldi PAC Blog; Joel Ronne (5 min)
  8. Next PAC meeting (Nov 13th); When is the most convenient time? (5 min)
  9. Adjournment at 7:45 pm

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