Happy Summer to all!
At the moment, there is plenty of romain lettuce and mescalun salad greens, chard, kale, sugar peas, raspberries and currants. There is always plenty of mint for summer drinks (it hides in and around the raspberry clump by the parking lot fence), rosemary, fennel and lemonbalm, lavender and calendulas.
Garlic will be ready for digging up very soon!
Please, do come and take what you need for dinner or snack and let others in the neighbourhood know.
If you have time and you notice that there is lots of a particular crop unused, please take the pleasure in delivering our surplus to the Food bank. They will be thrilled! The best time to pick produce to keep it from wilting is before 9am. Store it in a rubber bin or plastic bags in a cool spot or with ice packs for transport.
The the Food Bank office at 1150 Raymur Avenue (close to Casa Gelato) is open Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm.
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