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Monday, January 19, 2015

PAC Meeting - Wednesday, January 21st at 6pm

Please join us for our next PAC Meeting this Wednesday, January 21st at 6pm in the school library.  The minutes from our December PAC meeting are below the agenda if you would like to review them before the meeting.

We will be discussing the upcoming follow-up meeting with Denise Johnson, Board of Education.  She was present at the meeting at Lord Nelson with the Associate Superintendent, Scott Robinson.  Some PAC Executive members will be meeting with her on January 22nd.


1. Welcome

2. Adopt previous meeting minutes

3. VP Report - Lorraine Baker

4. Financial Report

5. Committees
        - Kitchen
        - Garden
        - Movie Night
        - Fundraising & Grants
        - Sustainability
        - Activities

6. Spending Requests & Allocations

7. Other Business - Discuss Thursday, January 22nd meeting with Denise Johnson, Board of Education

8. Next Meeting - February 11, 2015

9. Adjourn

Minutes of Garibaldi PAC Meeting – December 3rd, 2014

Lorraine Baker
PAC Executive (4)
General PAC Members (2) 
Metta Hamaguchi, Lord Nelson Principal
Margie Trovao, Lord Nelson Vice Principal


Welcome; Adopt previous meeting minutes
VP Report
Special guest report Metta Hamaguchi and Margie Tovao, Lord Nelson Principal and Vice-Principal
Financial Report
Committee Reports
Spending Requests
Other Business
Next Meeting

Welcome and Approval of Minutes 
Welcome to Metta and Margie from Lord Nelson
Minutes adopted; Sandra move to adopt November minutes. 

VP Updates: Lorraine Baker
Thanks from Lorraine for care from everyone regarding her injury
Since last meeting: 
Mobile Dairy visit with 6 day old calf; children learned about where milk comes from 4H presenter
School photos taken (date of photo re-takes to be confirmed)
Library barcodes
Children performed at Lord Nelson for Remembrance Day – very special and thank you to Lord Nelson for the invitation
November 28th Pro D Day – afternoon spent on school growth goals; morning spent on iPad            learning cart – use of iPads, apps (e-books, embedding video, etc) and how to enrich and extend these tools
Audrey Von Alsten has volunteered to come to school to meet with parents to learn about how to use these resources
At Lord Nelson, Metta and Margie work very closely with iPads and it has been very successful with high student engagement
“Snow Rules” – reiterated policy 
Pedestrian safety – Constable from VPD did a presentation on pedestrian safety 
School administration asked to look around for “attractive nuisances” for children after a child fell off a school roof on a weekend; the school was found partially responsible
Security buzzer installation for Board employees – North exit by bike racks
Ms. Rosati – Dec. 5 is Ms. Rosati’s last day. ToC will fill post until January. Closing date for maternity leave posting was Dec. 1st – 8 applications.
- End of VP Updates

Special Guest report – Metta Hamaguchi and Margie Tovao, Lord Nelson
Sandra invited Metta and Margie to say a few words. Garibaldi is the annex of Lord Nelson and most children at Garibaldi transition to Lord Nelson for Grade 5
Metta and Margie shared Lord Nelson’s Code of Conduct and School Handbook
Metta invited interested parents to come to Lord Nelson events - January 20th Kindergarten night and January 26th presentation from parent/neuroscientisist on how children learn
For children transitioning to Lord Nelson, there is a school tour for the kids scheduled for sometime in May. Parents are welcome to attend with their kids
If you have a child with a special need, there is additional support available from Lord Nelson resource teachers in assist in making the Garibaldi – Lord Nelson transition a smooth one

Financial Report
Lisa presented financial updates and the Draft Budget
2 accounts: $2486.16 (Savings); $3136.65 (Gaming)
Budget for year - $7348 to fund a year’s activities
Healthy financial balance; the fundraising goal is to shoot for an additional $3500 (eg. Movie nights, manure sale, popcorn and bake sales, other fundraising TBD by fundraising committee)
Some activities have already been paid for (eg. Teacher allocations for consumables, tennis, Pumpkin Patch)
Teachers have been asked to price out their Wish List items
The Draft Budget can by passed to next year’s PAC – thanks to Lisa and Sandra 
Move to accept Draft Budget – Lisa moved; Angela accepted.

Committee Reports
No spending requests at this time. The Kitchen Committee will put together a Wish List for items for kitchen; Lisa will spread the word about the upcoming hot lunch
Movie Night Committee:
Next movie night: January 28th – to be confirmed

Garden Committee:
Nothing to report; everything is frozen 

Kitchen Committee: 
Hot lunch planned for December 5th
Bake sale planned during holiday concert (afternoon and evening) on December 17th

Sandra suggest organizing a PAC fundraising committee meeting for January to discuss options

Clothing and boot swap went very well

Other Business
MuseWest – two music concerts are organized for Spring term; first one is January 14th; honorarium for performers approved at previous PAC meeting
District PAC representative – Angela is looking for someone who can represent Garibaldi at the DPAC meetings. Meetings are weekday evenings. Angela will let us know and we can try to make sure that we have a representative attend
Meeting with VSB’s Scott Robinson on December 2nd. As follow-up, Ann-Marie will collate the key messages from the meeting so that we can send the summary to the Board and also relay the message back to the parent community

 Meeting Adjourned

Next meeting: January 14th at 6pm

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