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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Garibaldi Parents Show Support for Good to Grow Campaign

Garibaldi Annex...

We’re Good to Grow
On Saturday, December 3rd well over 60 parents, teachers and friends gathered at the Hastings Community Centre to kick off the holiday season and raise some money for Garibaldi Annex school enhancement projects. The evening was a huge success, raising a whopping $5496.00. From spa and restaurant gift certificates to handcrafted jewellery and art work, from offers of housekeeping to offers of breakfast baking, the Silent Auction had something for everyone. Most impressive was the near completion of the Teacher’s Wish List, an idea that arose from an earlier question, “How do I donate if I don’t win my item?” Generous Garibaldi parents and staff agreed to donate money toward the specific purchase of Math and Science Manipulatives and a school set of Orff Instruments. Over $1300.00 was collected from this initiative. Thank you to those who showed their support through the purchase of tickets, the donation of items, by keeping the bartender busy, by dancing along with our special singing guests, by out-bidding a friend and through your supportive emails and hugs along the way. Your support has shown that you truly believe in our campaign, “Garibaldi Annex...We’re Good to Grow!” Thank you.
On behalf of the fundraising committee,
Jen Gunasekera,

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