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Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 17th PAC Meeting

Hello Garibaldi families,

Below you will find the agenda for the upcoming PAC meeting and attached you will find the minutes from the November and the December meetings.

Please try to have all agenda items to me one week in advance of each PAC meeting. Please include a brief description of your item, who will be presenting and the approximate amount of time you think will be needed for presentation and discussion. Thank you for your cooperation. I'll send a reminder closer to the date :)

Warm regards,
Jen Gunasekera

Garibaldi PAC Meeting

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

School Library 6:30-8:00pm (free child care provided in the gym)

1. Round Table Introductions ~5min

2. Amendments and adoption of minutes (Nov 8, Dec 6) ~5min

3. Financial update (AMW)~5min

4. Playground equipment follow up from Dec 6 meeting (JG) ~10 min

5. VP update to include statement regarding Code of Conduct (CF) ~15min

6. Volunteer recognition, appreciation & understanding (JG) ~5min

7. Volunteer Committee updates ~25 min

a. Fundraising

b. Garden

c. Sun Run (DC or designate)

d. Bike rack (HW)

8. Regular Business ~10min

Hot lunch

Movie Night – Jan 31 –popcorn maker purchase

PAC Mailbox –DPAC feedback for out of school care space revisions

Our Future Campaign, VSB(JG)

Next PAC meeting – Feb 14, 2012, 6:30-8:00pm (free child care provided)

9. Adjournment

The Garibaldi Communication Committee
Garibaldi's Parent Blog Space:

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