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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Minutes Garibaldi PAC Meeting - April, 2013

Garibaldi PAC Meeting - April, 2013

Parents Attending: Sandra, Brenda, Joel, Carol, Angela, Jocelyn, Julie, Jana
Teachers/Admin attending: Lorraine Baker, Shannon Hobson, Ian Delong

1. Motion to adopt Minutes from March PAC meeting and April Agenda - Jocelyn (Seconded by Sandra)

2. Opera, May 30th performance - Ian Delong
environmental theme, similar to last year's performance of The Lorax
co-written by all divisions. Div 1-4 kids working on it in music class; Home learners working on their portion with their teacher and amalgamating into the whole.
Main roles limited to grades 3 and 4, assigned based on interest and comfort level.
Orchestra will be made up of grades 3 and 4.
Mr. Delong is requesting parents to volunteer. Will send a group email to interested parents to schedule a meeting and assign responsibilities.
Sandra recalled last year's popcorn fundraiser and donations at the door for The Lorax last year being successful.
K, 1 and 2 are forming the chorus
Discussion around amount of money needed: ~$150
Donations were taken at the door

3. VP Update (Lorraine Baker):
back after Spring Break
Length of break  - some back and forth in the media; some love it; some find it difficult to find child care
Preliminary budget from the VSB is out; anyone who would like to see it or have more info can contact Ms. Baker
Projections are not great – 7.8 million shortfall
Ready, Set, Learn – taking place tomorrow; parents and toddlers invited to come to the school to get more familiar; visit to the Kindergarten; Nadine Uzelac key and making this event go forward.
Performance – “Clean Up Your Act” – coming to Garibaldi in conjunction with Earth week
April 19th – Pro D day – kids out of school- there will be an invite going out for parents to participate in this day which is a goal setting exercise for the teachers and the school; one of the goals has been delivered by VSB/Province toward First Nations as part of the curriculum
Provincial Audit – Vancouver and Nanaimo selected
Performance at Begbie School – pick up at Begbie or kids returning late to Garibaldi; notices will be sent home
Question was asked about why last year a teacher was generally present at all PAC meetings but this has not been the case this year; Teachers are invited and welcome to attend but it is entirely voluntary.
Teachers more apt to attend during the job action last year.
With a small staff – harder to get ongoing participation
Staffing and numbers – will come out at end of month; currently enrolment about 70 children; need 73 minimum to keep all of our teachers. Currently no cross boundary enrolment being allowed as per our last PAC discussion

4. Committees

Garden (Sandra):
Manure sale raised $1835
This money is going to general PAC funds
No additional funds to garden other than that approved last meeting for some signage for the garden
Baskets – not going forward but can buy through Tillicum and support them
Garden Club starting – Jana and Sandra – noon hours every other Friday.
Seeds provided by Ms. Baker
This month kids planting seedlings
Will develop edible play garden
Each teacher will have a bed – coordinate with teachers; have it so bed moves along with kids

Sustainability – Bike Swap (Jocelyn)
1 day afterschool
Likely April 30th (Tuesday), Now May 7th.
Asking for working bikes or those that require only minor repair
1 day only
Jocelyn working on a place to take unwanted bikes – possibly Ride-on-Bikes – good organization that uses bikes to give back to those without etc.
Bike Rally at same time – obstacle course; longest skid; Bike decorating; Joel asking for help to set it up or ideas of what to do.
The idea of letting the VSB know and inviting Gregr Robertson to attend was brought up

Bike Rodeo (Jana)
New grant
PAC to apply
Looking to find out what interest level there is among teachers
Ms. Baker talked about inviting friends who have developed bike power projects that can power iPods etc. to attend or for an event next year.

T- Shirts (Kerry)
Kerry spear-heading new design
Something that kids and parents think is cool to wear
Kerry not here to provide update

No coordinators in attendance
Angela talked with Denise regarding the idea of a carnival in September that would need to be organized before year end in lieu of the Soiree which may have run its course
Weather dependent
Check with other schools to see how successful as fund raiser

Chequing account (gaming): $1879.81
PAC account: $5006.03

Yet to come out of account: $425 Microscope
$105 goggles
$120 hockey sticks

Discussion around some money $150 for possible performance Blues Berries if it is on a day that Garibaldi students can attend (Joel referred this to new business)

April 23 performance $350

Also a DPAC account that we didn’t realize had money in it. Need to confirm amount
Rita – indicated about $700-$900

A motion was made by Jocelyn; Seconded by Angela to approve the following expenditures:
$150 – for additional performance if it goes ahead
$300 – for the Opera

Other items that were identified as potential purchased for the school that should be considered include:
$3000 smart board
$1000 bike rack
New laminator since old one may or may not be able to be fixed.

Discussion around the idea that smart board would also require money to install; not considered best use of money
Laminator extends life of library books etc. new would mean you know it will work at least for some time.

Next Movie night with Pizza April 24

Sandra brought up that she has connection to Olympian Brent Hayden – who does motivational speaking to school

Jocelyn made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Angela
Next meeting: May 8th

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