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Monday, June 10, 2013

Final PAC meeting of the Year! Wednesday, June 12, 2013

School Library 6:30-8:00 pm (childcare available in the gym)

  1. Round table introductions (5 min)
  2. Amendments to agenda and adoption of March 2013 minutes (5 min)
  3. VP’s Update, Lorraine Baker (10 min)
  4. Committees
    1. Garden (5 min)
    2. Other committee updates (5 min)
    3. End of Year BBQ (5 min)
  5. Financial update, budget and spending requests, Angela (10 min)
    1. Sports Day Lunch $350
    2. Woodchips $150
    3. Aquarium Bus $350
    4. Projector $900 (set aside for September 15th)
    5. Photo Mosaic Project $500 (set aside for September 15th)
    6. Digital Cameras $650 (set aside for September 15th)
  6. Next Year, Joel Ronne (5 min)
  7. Update on cross-catchment registration, Joel Ronne (5 min)
  8. Discussion on cross-catchment registration and Annexes (25 min)
  9. Confirm Sept 11th  PAC meeting, AGM in Oct and adjournment

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