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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Garibaldi Annex Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting Agenda

The first Garibaldi PAC meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, June 11 from 6:30-7:45 pm
in the School Library, up the stairs past the office.
Free child care available in the gym.

  1. Agenda Additions/ Adapt June 2013 Minutes (5 min)
  2. Welcome New Members, PAC Intro; Joel Ronne, PAC Co-Chair (10 min)
  3. Introduction from our school VP; Lorraine Baker (15 min)
  4. Using the Garibaldi PAC Blog; (5 min)
  5. Committee Discussions (20 min)
    1. Committees
      1. Movie Night
      2. Garden
      3. Fundraising
      4. Sustainability
      5. Other
    2. Committee sign-up time
  6. PAC AGM (10 min)
  7. Financial Update and Budget; Angela Wong-Moon (10 min)
  8. Teacher Allocations, other spending requests;  (5 min)

  1. Next PAC meeting (AGM on Oct 9th) / Adjournment

If you would like an item added to the agenda you can email or just show up and ask for the item to be added at the start of the meeting.

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